Ignite 2020 Session Download

Well, Microsoft Ignite 2020 is over. And I’m still in the process of unpacking everything and writing up my thoughts. But for those of you that want a simple way to download everything without the 200kbs limit. I’ve quickly thrown together this ~200GB torrent with every publicly available session. All this content was pulled using… Read More »

Stuck loading in Flight Simulator 2020?

Update: Try just closing the process and opening it again! it seems to help. #LaunchDayIssues? Just a quick one to hopefully help anyone that’s installed the new Microsoft Flight Simulator 2020 from the Microsoft Store. Potentially getting stuck with a progress bar after setting their accessibility preferences (the first thing the game asks you to… Read More »

Running a Teams Live Event? Close Skype4B!

Another quick one today. With the large push to online conferences this year for “obvious reasons” you may have a need to moderate a Microsoft Teams Live event or two. I recently produced several sessions for Commsverse 2020 Online this year. (I might have presented a session too.) If you’re not aware, the producer in… Read More »

Polycom VVX “Out of Hours” Power Saving feature and Skype for Business 2019

Note: This article is written as of VVX firmware 6.2 and Skype4b 2019 CU 3. These may change with different firmware releases! Also special thanks to Jeff Schertz over at Poly for pointing out the new cmdlets when I was digging in the wrong place. The Issue As part of one of my recent deployments,… Read More »

Preparing for Teams: Cleaning up your old Response Groups

As part of my Preparing for Teams series, one of the things we need to consider depending on your migration strategy is cleaning up users in your On-Prem Skype for Business Response Groups. By default when we Move a user from Skype to Teams or Disable the user account in Skype4B. The users SIP address… Read More »

Building a Covid-19 Safe Unattended Reception in Microsoft Teams

Updatean ex-coworker, Sean Werner from Qtec advises me that this method now only works when using the “Common Area Phone” profile and Re-ordering the App order. I’ll update this when I get a chance, but for now, take a look at Jeff Schertz article on Teams IP Phone profiles What? Why? How? With businesses slowly… Read More »

Preparing for Teams: Export your On-Prem LIS data for CQD

Do you have an on-premises deployment of Lync or Skype for Business? Have you spent ages getting your Location Data correct in your on-prem deployment? Are you moving to Microsoft Teams, or potentially using the new Skype 2019 Call Quality Dashboard connector and need a way to populate it with Building Data? Good news! I… Read More »