I figured I’d create this one as reading through the MS TechNet documentation on the matter can be a little time consuming and the wording can get confusing
The only routing method that allows calls to come in when “not green” is Attendant.
There is a little bit of flexibility when “Inactive” (5-10 minutes idle) but users that are Away (manually set or 10+ minutes) will not be presented calls.
For a bit more info.
Available: The default Available status or any custom status where the users Status Icon is green.
Inactive: When the user leaves their PC for a few minutes and Skype marks them as idle
By default its 5 minutes after the user last touches their PC *
Away: Any Yellow status other than inactive. this includes “Appear Away”, “Away”, “Off Work” and “Be Right Back”
By default this mode is invoked 5 Minutes after going inactive *
Busy: Any Red standard or custom status including “Busy” , “In a Meeting” or “In a Call”
DND: Any DND status, including “Do Not Disturb” and “Presenting”
If you want to adjust the timeout from Available > Inactive > Away it can be found under Settings > Status
Just remember that the second timer starts after switching to inactive
Hope this helps someone
You should extend the Basic presence states with the secondary states as well (e.g. in-a-Call, presenting / in-a-meeting etc.) to sound more understandable to the enduser
the table I mean, i did see the textual explanation of the colors, but the visual one gets sent to the enduser