Tag Archives: Surface Hub

My Ignite Teams 2020 Wrap Up – Part 1 – Admin, Collab and Surface

Winter wrap up, winter.. oh.. your here? Microsoft Ignite 2020 has been and gone and it was a massive whirlwind of information. Tons of new features and announcements that even I’m still catching up on. Unfortunately without the on-site after parties and catchup with like-minded individuals to digest the day. It’s easy to miss a… Read More »

Install Windows 10 Creators Update on Surface Hub

Looking to get the latest from your Surface Hub? Microsoft has released the Creators Update for Surface Hub for multiple regions. To speed up the installation process you can download the update manually. Note: This update doesn’t include the new Whiteboard. That’s an App in the Windows Store and hasn’t been made available yet. Note:… Read More »