Tag Archives: script

Preparing for Teams: Cleaning up your old Response Groups

As part of my Preparing for Teams series, one of the things we need to consider depending on your migration strategy is cleaning up users in your On-Prem Skype for Business Response Groups. By default when we Move a user from Skype to Teams or Disable the user account in Skype4B. The users SIP address… Read More »

Automatic Australian Holiday Rulesets for Response Group Service

New-CSRgsAustralianHolidayList.ps1 Update 6/01/2019 Released Version 3.0 rebuilt to use a new data source for 2020 About the tool This is a script that adds/maintains the relevant Australian Holidays to your Skype4B  / Lync environment based on data available from the Australian Government Website. I re-wrote most of the script from scratch and added a whole bunch… Read More »

Find and Test User IP Addresses in the Skype Location Database

I don’t know about you, but I love the Skype for Business location database. You know that little thing that automatically updates your location based on where you are? it doesn’t? Maybe you need to check your LIS config! As a Skype4B admin setting the LIS up can be a bit of a pain as… Read More »

Announcement: New version of my Australian Response Group Holiday Rules, Now fully automatic every year!

I’ve finally finished it! After my last script for 2106/2017 I decided to make a fully automatic Australian Response Group holiday sets for 2018 and beyond. I had planned to release a 2017/2018 version in October.. and after actually writing it all. I figured it would be heaps more reliable to use a proper Government… Read More »

Find Low or Empty RGS Response groups Script

I recently has a requirement to filter through a customer’s 200 odd RGS Groups to find areas that had little or no agents assigned causing a high abandoned rate of calls. I knocked something quick and nasty together in the ISE at the time, but thanks to someone digging through our phone lines at home… Read More »

How I moved from the Powershell ISE over to Visual Studio for my Skype4B scripts Part 3. A Pushme Pullyou

This is a continuation of my adventures into moving to Visual Studio from the Powershell ISE you can find Part 1 and Part 2 here, they contain concepts we are building upon in here so are worth a read. Anyway, last time we actually put some (very basic) code into Visual Studio and got it to run,… Read More »

How I moved from the Powershell ISE over to Visual Studio for my Skype4B scripts Part 2. The Return of the VB ISE!

Part 2 The Return of the VB ISE! This is a continuation of my adventures into moving to Visual Studio from the Powershell ISE you can find Part1 over here, go read that if you havent to get all caught up. Right, When we left off we had just installed Visual Studio, Connected it with Visual Studio… Read More »

How I moved from the Powershell ISE over to Visual Studio for my Skype4B scripts Part 1

Wait another part 1? But he hasn’t finished the Audiocodes CloudBond Review… Yeah I apologise for that. I’ve been pulled off to a customer site and I’ve had to rebuild my lab. So that’s coming soon. Anyway, I was asked on twitter to document the process of me moving over to Visual Studio and Git… Read More »

WPC2016 content downloader script

Hey all, just a quick one. Wrote a quick and nasty script to download any of the relevant content from Microsoft World Partner conference 2016. Its a manually defined list of content on resources.wpc.microsoft.com using Powershell 3’s Invoke-WebRequest cmdlet.   Just download and run the script and the files will download into the current directory. If you… Read More »

Skype4B Analog Device Manager Preview and Cheat Snippet

Argh, I couldn’t hold this in any longer. I’ve been working on a nice little PowerShell GUI that speeds up the creation/administration of Analog devices in the Lync / Skype for Business with an external gateway. The GUI does all the nice things for you making it simple to add/change voice policies, select OU (and… Read More »