Tag Archives: Response Groups

Automatic Australian Holiday Rulesets for Response Group Service

New-CSRgsAustralianHolidayList.ps1 Update 6/01/2019 Released Version 3.0 rebuilt to use a new data source for 2020 About the tool This is a script that adds/maintains the relevant Australian Holidays to your Skype4B  / Lync environment based on data available from the Australian Government Website. I re-wrote most of the script from scratch and added a whole bunch… Read More »

Infographic: User Status and Response Group Routing Methods

I figured I’d create this one as reading through the MS TechNet documentation on the matter can be a little time consuming and the wording can get confusing The only routing method that allows calls to come in when “not green” is Attendant. There is a little bit of flexibility when “Inactive” (5-10 minutes idle)… Read More »

Announcement: New version of my Australian Response Group Holiday Rules, Now fully automatic every year!

I’ve finally finished it! After my last script for 2106/2017 I decided to make a fully automatic Australian Response Group holiday sets for 2018 and beyond. I had planned to release a 2017/2018 version in October.. and after actually writing it all. I figured it would be heaps more reliable to use a proper Government… Read More »

Response Group Calls not Presented to Agents due to SQL Write issues (Event ID 32269 and 32270)

The issue So, I ran into a weird issue a while back where Response Group Calls would be answered by RGS, the IVR messages and actions would play out and the call would be dropped into a queue to look for an agent. The Caller would hear the queue on hold music and after the… Read More »

Response Group calls to Skype4B client work, Polycom VVX Phones Fail with CAC enabled

Figured I’d post this one quickly and hopefully it will help someone else, I don’t have time to replicate the issue in my lab so don’t have any screenshots more detailed info I’m afraid I recently had an interesting one where a customer had deployed Skype4B I with another integrator in a hurry and had… Read More »

Response Group Transfers to External Numbers Fail when being diverted by a thrid party

I’m not going to do my usual detailed write up on this one just figuring this might help someone Googleing, But I recently had to look into an issue for a customer who had another intergrator build thie Skype4B platform and all worked well. The issue was that when a call came from an external… Read More »

Locate and Hide RGS Object from address book using ADSI edit

If like me you have a few RGS workflows it can be tedious finding the DN of the RGS object. Powershell to the rescue! Use the following cmdlet to find the DN of the object for ADSIEdit as the GUID in get-rgsworkflow is totally unrelated. Where “Example Workflow” is the display name set on the… Read More »

Transferring calls to a Response Group fails when using the Lync Attendant

The Issue So, you have just setup your receptionist with the Lync Attendant console as part of your deployment. Now tickets are coming in advising that when the Receptionist transfers calls to Lync Queues, the calls fail. The Lync 2010 attendant includes a feature known as “Safe Transfer” in that if the recipient of the… Read More »