Category Archives: Uncategorized

Can’t Migrate Licensed Teams User – Licensing Error

I ran into an interesting one today that had me scratching my head as to why we couldn’t move a user from Skype for Business On-Prem to Microsoft Teams. Whenever we attempted to move a small bunch of users from on-prem to Teams the Skype for Business PowerShell Move-CsUser cmdlet would throw the error. The… Read More »

Enable “HD” AMR Calling on Teams Direct Routing with Ribbon SBC and Telstra SIP

Update: Telstra has officially stated that AMR is “Not Supported” on TIPT for Trunking (Sip Connect). The article I link to below is for their hosted call centre product.However, the Broadsoft Switch at the Telstra TIPT core will just pass along whatever it receives, so whilst it will “work” you may not get support and… Read More »

Stuck loading in Flight Simulator 2020?

Update: Try just closing the process and opening it again! it seems to help. #LaunchDayIssues? Just a quick one to hopefully help anyone that’s installed the new Microsoft Flight Simulator 2020 from the Microsoft Store. Potentially getting stuck with a progress bar after setting their accessibility preferences (the first thing the game asks you to… Read More »

Running a Teams Live Event? Close Skype4B!

Another quick one today. With the large push to online conferences this year for “obvious reasons” you may have a need to moderate a Microsoft Teams Live event or two. I recently produced several sessions for Commsverse 2020 Online this year. (I might have presented a session too.) If you’re not aware, the producer in… Read More »

Skype4b 2019 Cannot get the ReportServerWebService URL. Verify that Reporting Services is deployed and configured properly

Another quick one, as part of one of my standard deployments of SFB 2019 I went to deploy the Skype for Business Monitoring Reports and received the error message And I did the usual things, Checked for WMI access, Checked the instance name and checked that the SSRS service was installed and running. Yep all… Read More »